Better Business  

Five things advisers can learn from branding at the Olympics

Whether that be a USP of working with an eco-logical focus, a down-to-earth business format, or a culture of impressive results, your identity needs to be reflected in branded materials and communications.

One easy way you can help reinforce your identity is by featuring a slogan or quote that aligns with your ethos in your email signatures.

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The consistent message and framing help to solidify your identity in people’s minds and create a collective view of your identity.

5 Work as a team

Financial advisers can significantly boost their brand's effectiveness by fostering team spirit, unity, and collective achievement.

To enhance marketing efforts and increase awareness and engagement, advisers should use their existing teams and networks, which could include colleagues, service providers, or clients. 

Encouraging a team mentality creates a sense of togetherness and mutual support, driving towards common objectives.

By maintaining a clear identity, values, human touch, and consistency, aligning with a team approach can attract and retain clients and industry peers, turning them into brand advocates.

Carol Howley is chief marketing officer at Exclaimer