
Snowdon's petition to change tax law for scam victims taken down

Snowdon believed the law needed to change to fit the “new world” and has been campaigning to give HMRC the power to disapply tax charges in cases where losses were due to dishonesty by a third party. 

She said: “I have written to prime ministers, to chancellors, to treasury secretaries, but those who bother to reply just trot out the same old message which is ‘our hands are tied/ the people did something they shouldn’t have/we need to discourage others from doing the same’.”

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Snowdon said the fact financial scams were happening across multiple sectors not just limited to pensions suggested something was “fundamentally broken”.

“That’s why I am marching for justice for victims of financial misconduct across the UK.For people who have been let down by the system. People let down by police who don’t investigate the scammers, let down by politicians who can’t see that the world has become a dangerous place for retirement savers and for all victims of financial crime let down by unacceptable treatment by HMRC,” she added.