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Diary of an Adviser: Harriet MacKenzie-Williams

By 5pm I manage to make time for a walk (my passion) to get some air and extend my vision beyond the 18 inches from chair to screen for a while. I manage not to actually hug any trees this time.


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I want to finish early today as this weekend is my partner’s 40th birthday party and we have friends from all over the country arriving for the weekend. My daughter Lottie and I are busy organising the band, food and various surprises for the event, but the emails and phone calls are scuppering my plans.

Friday being when most advisers try to clear their desks, I am fielding calls and emails most of the day. Still, I get to 4 o’clock and have dealt with everything. Luckily, Lottie has just finished university and is better at organising parties than I am, so she pretty much has everything under control. Now to party.

Harriet MacKenzie-Williams is managing director of Keystone Financial based in Hampshire