
How the EIS has grown in popularity with investors

  • Describe how the EIS works
  • Explain the differences between EISs and VCTs
  • Identify the tax benefits of EISs

British universities are recognised globally as producing some of the most cutting-edge inventions and academic successes from DNA at Cambridge and graphene in Manchester, to fibre optics at Imperial College London. Technological innovations like quantum computing, genomics and projectile fusion are on course to change the world.

But this type of deep tech or clean tech could also be game-changing for UK productivity and go on to employ tens of thousands of people in the jobs of tomorrow. This, combined with the considerable tax reliefs on offer, makes the EIS a truly unique and valuable prospect for the UK economy, start-up ecosystem and investors alike.

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Moray Wright is chief executive of Parkwalk Advisors


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What impact has the recent stabilisation of interest rates had on the EIS market?

  2. Which of the following is NOT a difference between EIS and VCT?

  3. Capital gains tax deferral is only available through an EIS and is not possible through investing in a VCT. True or false?

  4. Which of the following is NOT true about loss relief?

  5. What proportion of knowledge-intensive funds have to be invested in innovation or research and development?

  6. Under the consumer duty, advisers need to demonstrate whole-of-market research on high-risk investments. True or false?

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  • Describe how the EIS works
  • Explain the differences between EISs and VCTs
  • Identify the tax benefits of EISs

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