Integrating state benefits into pension planning

  • To understand what the state pension is likely to be.
  • To grasp how it can help within pension planning.
  • To understand what state pensions can bring to holistic pension advice.

However tempting it is to dismiss the diminishing role of the state in retirement planning, it still looms large and it is important to make the best of it. Although perhaps not sufficient on its own to allow people to live a luxury lifestyle, the state pension is hugely valuable because it is guaranteed income for life and includes protection from inflation.

Arguably those factors have made it even more valuable in the new pension freedom environment where there is more emphasis on access to cash and less emphasis on long-term sustainability.

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Steve Lowe is group communications director for Just Retirement


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Mr Lowe, what proportion of retirement income can state pension benefits make up?

  2. Mr Lowe says the state pension is something that we feel we have earned and deserve over many years of working and paying our tax, true or false?

  3. Who is likely to face increasing curiosity about the new state pension, according to Mr Lowe?

  4. What does Mr Lowe says is the most practical way for most clients to get a realistic understanding of their entitlement?

  5. What does Mr Lowe say the state pension top up depends upon?

  6. Mr Lowe says the state pension is important because it does what?

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You should now know…

  • To understand what the state pension is likely to be.
  • To grasp how it can help within pension planning.
  • To understand what state pensions can bring to holistic pension advice.

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