
Take the FT Adviser Christmas Quiz

Simoney Kyriakou

Simoney Kyriakou

As we hurtle towards Christmas like an overstuffed toboggan on a 45-degree decline, FT Adviser is feeling in a festive mood.

So rather than write another rant about regulatory burdens or the turnaround of chief executives at the Chartered Insurance Institute, which seems to rotate quicker than a lazy Susan full of Quality Street, I've decided to create a Christmas Quiz for you. 

Twelve questions, for 12 months of top stories from FT Adviser, testing your memory or your ability to use the search function on the website. 

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There's no prize (because there are so many rules now about having T&Cs and who's got time for that?).

But there will be a most honourable mention in the New Year's despatches from the Editor for the first three readers who get all the questions correct. 

And before I leave you with the quiz (below), here's a terrible, terrible Christmas pun.

A man and his wife were walking through a communist country and arguing about the weather.

"Is it snow, or rain?"

"Clearly it's snow."

"It looks like rain to me".

They decide to ask a soldier who is standing on guard.

"It's rain", he said.

"There you go", the wife turned to her husband. "I told you, Rudolf the Red knows rain, dear."

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, enjoy the quiz, the Tabby McTat Christmas Special and those traditionally overboiled sprouts, and I will see you in 2024.