Business Protection  

What to know about advising on business protection

  • Learn the definition of a small business and the risks SMEs face.
  • Understand the different types of business protection available and what they cover.
  • Consider how to increase awareness of business protection among clients and the role of advisers in doing so.

And just like the personal protection gap, it’s not only sound business sense that should drive SMEs to purchase this type of cover, but the question around whether there is also a moral need to address this issue. 

Business failures mean the economy suffers and can leave customers in the lurch, creditors out of pocket, employees without jobs, and families without support.

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Despite its label, business insurance isn’t really just about business.

As Mr Carnegie would tell you, it’s really about people.

Now, where is that parachute?

Richard Kateley is head of intermediary protection at Legal & General


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What is the definition of a micro business?

  2. The author says a portfolio of cover for a business might include up to four different types of protection. But which one of these is not listed?

  3. Relevant life plans have three characteristics, according to Mr Kateley. Which one is the odd one out?

  4. Is the following statement made by Mr Kateley true or false? "Business protection insurance is, in a sense, a hybrid insurance."

  5. According to the report, what percentage of businesses think they would cease trading in under a year after the death or critical illness of a key person?

  6. Some 70 per cent of business owners had not heard of what type of business protection?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Learn the definition of a small business and the risks SMEs face.
  • Understand the different types of business protection available and what they cover.
  • Consider how to increase awareness of business protection among clients and the role of advisers in doing so.

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