
The financial advantages and disadvantages of marriage

  • Describe some of the tax challenges of partners remaining unmarried
  • Explain the solutions suggested by lawyers
  • Explain how life interest trusts work

For those who are not married but still want to share assets with their partner, they may benefit from a cohabitation agreement.

Both nuptial agreements and cohabitation agreements allow parties, who are in a relationship, the opportunity to organise their finances and set out what they intend to do with their money/property, during the relationship and if the relationship were to end. 

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If people want the best of both worlds, tax savings and certainty for the future, this is now possible, and our statistics suggest there is a considerable demand for this flexibility. 

Elliot Lewis is a partner and head of private client and Caroline Burstein is a partner in the family law team at Thackray Williams 


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Since the 1970s there has been no limit to the spousal exemption from inheritance tax, true or false?

  2. What happens when partners in an unmarried couple die?

  3. What do lawyers suggest is the easiest solution?

  4. What does a life interest trust allow a client to do?

  5. Why do the authors say nuptial agreements have increased?

  6. Cohabitation agreements work in a similar vein to nuptial agreements, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of the tax challenges of partners remaining unmarried
  • Explain the solutions suggested by lawyers
  • Explain how life interest trusts work

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