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How to help clients with philanthropy

"We do the hard work, selecting, assessing and monitoring some of the world’s best climate charities so that donors don’t have to.”

He says donors value the GRP's model of distributing 100 per cent of every donation to the charities they want to support, without any deductions whatsoever.

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He says: "Every six months we re-assess all our charities according to our proprietary methodology to produce detailed impact reports for all donors.

“In this way, we help people answer the question so many of us ask ourselves: ‘What can I do about the Climate Crisis?'."

Chellman believes there is a huge value in advisers offering clients the Global Returns Project as a climate care solution.

“The GRP allows advisers to fill a significant gap in their offerings to clients,” he says. “A recent report from the Charities Aid Foundation found that 57 per cent of millionaires between the ages of 18 and 34 want help with their charitable giving.

"This demographic will only grow more important for advisers over time. Within the next 30 years, £5.5trn is set to pass between generations in the UK.

Yet, according to GRP, nearly two-thirds of all advisers lack questions on philanthropy as part of their fact-find when onboarding new HNWI clients.

For Chellman, this means advisers are missing an area of serious concern for important existing and potential clients.

“By making it easy to offer climate philanthropy to clients, GRP helps advisers quickly address this shortcoming.

"Advisers who work with GRP introduce our portfolio to clients who express an interest in philanthropy, sustainability or delivering positive impact with their assets.”

Clients donate via GRP’s website or by contacting the organisation for its bank details.

But GRP is also starting to integrate directly into investment platforms.

On Fundment, for example, advisers can act on client instructions immediately by withdrawing from a client’s account and sending a donation directly to the Global Returns Project.

With so many younger people coming into wealth through intergenerational giving, Chellman believes that there is much scope for younger people, as well as those who are more mature or in the later stages of life, to help protect the planet.

He says: “GRP helps advisers satisfy the sustainable interests of younger clients by delivering real and identifiable impact for the planet.

"Any monthly or annual donation to GRP makes a tangible difference for ocean conservation, rainforest protection, environmental law and more."

Advisers might therefore help clients start their journey of sustainable asset allocation with a donation to GRP, ensuring they receive clear six-monthly impact reports while making broader decisions about sustainable or ESG funds.