
How the Pension Wise nudge rules will work

  • Describe the new stronger nudge rules
  • Explain when they apply
  • Identify the best age to get a nudge to Pension Wise

So, where do we go from here?

The WPC recommends trialling auto-enrolment into guidance appointments, where members can opt out if they want. However, I disagree with this. 

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Pension Wise offers an important source of guidance, but it should not be seen as the panacea for all poorly thought-through pension decisions. Instead, there is a need to acknowledge the role providers play in giving information and help to non-advised investors, and the extent to which regulation facilitates or obstructs that process. 

At the moment, companies are reluctant to even go close to the regulatory ‘perimeter’ between advice and guidance for fear of straying over it. We now have the opportunity through the FCA’s Consumer Duty initiative to re-examine this boundary and allow providers to offer good timely guidance to non-advised customers making tough decisions. 

Rachel Vahey is head of policy development at AJ Bell


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the new rules, which party should be 'nudging' savers to Pension Wise?

  2. Which of the following is NOT something that providers will explain that Pension Wise will do?

  3. Customers are obliged to make an appointment with Pension Wise, true or false?

  4. Under what circumstances will customers get another appointment?

  5. If an adviser contacts a provider on behalf of a client, the rules on a nudge still apply, true or false?

  6. According to the author, when is a good age to get the stronger nudge?

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You should now know…

  • Describe the new stronger nudge rules
  • Explain when they apply
  • Identify the best age to get a nudge to Pension Wise

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