
Target date funds have big role to play in retirement planning

  • Describe how TDFs work
  • Explain the advantages of TDFs
  • Identify the charges of TDFs

In conclusion, TDFs are not only an ever-increasing part of modern worker retirement investments, but will certainly play a huge role in the shaping the future of retirement planning and investing. 

Eduardo Chazan is chief executive and co-founder of Collegia Pension

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  1. How did TDFs come about?

  2. What is the main selling point of TDFs?

  3. TDFs allow investors to pool assets, thereby mitigating risks of being in higher risk assets, true or false?

  4. In the US, TDFs are more popular with the older cohort, true or false?

  5. Why are TDFs more expensive than other funds?

  6. How much did TDFs lose during the 2020 market crash?

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  • Describe how TDFs work
  • Explain the advantages of TDFs
  • Identify the charges of TDFs

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