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CII exam fails to cover new rules

Kay Ingram, director of public policy at LEBC, said: "The point is that regulated advisers are required to complete relevant continued professional development to supplement and keep up to date their qualifications achieved by examination. Getting a level 4 qualification is the beginning of the process which includes life long learning.

"Firms need to provide their advisers with access to good quality continued professional development and also test their adviser’s knowledge regularly."

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In response to criticism from advisers regarding its exams, Simon Graham, learning and assessment director at the CII, said: "AF7, like all CII exams, cycles through content for testing.

"Some aspects are dealt with in AF7 through standalone questions and others are part of the holistic situation that the adviser tackles by understanding and responding to a more holistic scenario using appropriate approaches.

"TVC, Apta and critical yields will certainly feature in CII AF7 papers, though the exact range of aspects in each paper and the way in which they are targeted by the questions, will vary each time."