
What good mortgage service looks like

The lender is producing 70 per cent of its mortgage offers without the need for anyone to enter customers’ properties.

It has allowed existing customers, including those on a repayment holiday, to move to their next mortgage deal four months earlier if their new rate is below the existing rate. 

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Santander claimed this had enabled many customers to move to a lower interest rate sooner, reducing their mortgage payments. It has also agreed 225,000 mortgage payment holiday requests.

Graham Sellar, head of mortgage business development at Santander UK, said: “We have extended offer times by two months for customers, and by three months for those who had exchanged prior to the pandemic. 

“We have worked hard to ensure the right support is available to our mortgage customers. We have done this by keeping all of our mortgage teams open for business and adapting important processes, such as the increased use of AVMs for valuation purposes.

It seems many have gone the extra mile to deliver good service during the pandemic; will this be reflected in the FASA 2020 star rankings?

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