Talking Point  

Quarterly roundup: how regulation and politics have played into markets


If the new government gets its pro-growth agenda right, businesses with the right exposure to the UK economy should be the likely winners.

In this latest Schroders quarterly roundup for Talking Point, Simoney Kyriakou, editor, and Ima Jackson-Obot, deputy features editor at FT Adviser, look back over the past three months at what the big topics were and discuss the impact of events on investors and their financial advisers. 

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In April, we covered fixed income and the prospects for 2024.

Global sustainable equity investing was the topic for May, which coincided with the Financial Conduct Authority issuing new guidance (FG24/3) on its anti-greenwashing rule, which came into effect on May 31 2024. 

The rule requires all FCA-authorised firms to be able to substantiate any sustainability-related claims when communicating with clients about products and services, and to ensure these claims are "fair, clear and not misleading".

June was all about UK equities and investor confidence – quite timely, because it was in the run-up to the general elections.

Kyriakou and Jackson-Obot also looked ahead at future Talking Point topics.

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