Hargreaves Lansdown Group  

Hargreaves Lansdown reveals most bought funds list

Ten most popular funds, in alphabetical order:

Baillie Gifford American

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Baillie Gifford Global Discovery

First State Asia Focus Equity

Jupiter Global Value Equity

Lindsell Train Global Equity

LF Lindsell Train UK Equity

Marlborough UK Micro Cap Growth

Royal London Sterling Extra Yield Bond  Standard Life Global Smaller Companies

Hargreaves Lansdown investment analyst Dominic Rowles said: "Most major stock markets lost money in June. Asia and emerging markets were the biggest losers. Tensions between the US and China escalated over (US president) Donald Trump's threats to introduce more tariffs, and this didn't help.

"The US stock market was one of few that made money for UK investors, helped by the dollar gaining strength against sterling.

"Lots of investors favoured funds with the freedom to invest anywhere. Worldwide diversification means any issues affecting one area should have a limited effect on the fund. Investors chose to go global in a number of different ways."
