Equity Income  

Total return strategy can counter volatility

This article is part of
The Guide: Equity Income Investing

A total-return dividend portfolio focusing on both dividend yields and dividend growth could include names ranging from small and mid caps that may be yielding 2 per cent, but potentially growing their dividends at a 15 per cent rate, to solid businesses that could deliver a stable and recurring dividend yield of 4-5 per cent. 

This balanced approach seeks to create a portfolio that can benefit from an attractive dividend yield without giving up on growth. 

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In addition, it is important to focus on the sustainability of the dividend stream. Many Asian equity income portfolios are built with a lot of emphasis on yield, containing high-yielding stocks that can have challenging underlying businesses. 

But while investors can analyse companies, they cannot predict the future. Given the level of uncertainty, a strategy of total return can help income investors weather any upcoming storm. As the contribution of income strategies in Asia has been meaningful over the long term, it can offer a less volatile means to access the faster-growing economies in the region, while at the same time mitigating risk and providing downside protection.

Robert Horrocks is chief investment officer at Matthews Asia