In Focus: Modern financial planner  

'I haven't had to look far to see how I add value'

"This is almost what you can't learn."

Shouting loudest

Ngoma says the industry she is stepping into is different to what it used to be, with advisers more prone to projecting themselves on social media, and a general perceived honesty, which is different from the old sales days, she says.

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She herself tries to be honest and talk about both her failures and her successes, "to make it not seem like such a scary, exclusive industry".

"There is a lot of noise in financial services, I've discovered everyone has an opinion. And I could fill my whole week with conferences. What I'm actually trying to learn is how to break through the noise and find what is really relevant," she says.

Standing on Parliament Square, in the shadow of suffragist leader and social campaigner Millicent Fawcett's statue, Ngoma says she sees herself as somewhat "courageous", and very much inspired by Fawcett.

"In this square in particular [Fawcett] is smallest but she shouts loudest. She is the only one that has any kind of text but she is also smaller than all of these male statues. So the fact that she is newest, stands out, and broadcasts what she's about is what drew me to her."