In Focus: Advice for Women  

What's best on divorce: the pension or the property?

  • To understand why a couple might divide assets in a certain way.
  • To be able to explain the necessity of proper pension advice.
  • To be confident in recommending that solicitors discuss pensions values with clients.

Yes, this can come with additional costs, but it is important to point out to prospective clients that it is worth paying now to avoid a financial catastrophe further down the line.

As the PFS's Hughes comments: "Ultimately the amount of cash spent on seeking financial advice on the division of pensions during a divorce will be a lot less than the amount that could be spent if the couple can’t reach an agreement resulting in the courts having to step in and take the choice out of their hands.”

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Simoney Kyriakou is senior editor of FTAdviser


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to MacGillivray, what is the major disadvantage to women of not sharing the pension on divorce?

  2. How does professor Price describe the problem?

  3. If the woman has little in the way of relevant UK earnings, what does MacGillivray say can be done?

  4. What does Price say is the best way to release equity without taking risks?

  5. Why does Woolgar say it is vital for women to know the value of their shared home?

  6. Hughes says the amount spent on advice will be a lot less than what?

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You should now know…

  • To understand why a couple might divide assets in a certain way.
  • To be able to explain the necessity of proper pension advice.
  • To be confident in recommending that solicitors discuss pensions values with clients.

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