Talking Point  

Investing in Asia equities

  • Understand concerns and challenges facing Asia equity investors
  • Explain benefits of investing in India
  • Explain benefits of investing in Vietnam and Korea
What does the future hold for Asia equities?
Investors face tailwinds and headwinds amid China's easing of its zero-Covid policy

Given the huge economic size of China and its strong trade ties with the rest of Asia, a rebound in China’s economy will be positive to other Asian countries, which is particularly helpful when global demand is weakening. 

So with China having recently announced relaxations to its zero-Covid restrictions, what could this mean for Asia equity investors?

It is unlikely to be a smooth or fast transition.

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And, what are some of the other countries in Asia that managers think investors should also consider?

The questions on China and other regions in Asia will be explored in this report which is worth 30 minutes of CPD.


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What are among the top concerns for Asia equity investors?

  2. True or false, James Syne says, at some point, global financial and economic conditions will see a weaker US dollar, with associated capital flows into the rest of the world.

  3. According to Sam Konrad, what does he say is one of the benefits of investing in Asia?

  4. According to Sam Konrad, how is India benefiting from company attitudes toward China?

  5. True or false, in countries like Korea and Taiwan, they are developing industries around the demand for renewables, electric vehicles and hardware technology..

  6. Why is a weaker Won a tailwind for South Korean exporters?

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You should now know…

  • Understand concerns and challenges facing Asia equity investors
  • Explain benefits of investing in India
  • Explain benefits of investing in Vietnam and Korea

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