
A captive market

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Combine harvest

Sound bites

Baroness Ros Altmann on Pension Wise: “I think we need to give Pension Wise a real chance to work. I like the idea of a free, unbiased place where people can go and get guidance on their options. They can then understand the value of going on to get financial advice.”

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Jeff Prestridge on cuts to lifetime allowance: “I have no problem if the Government wants to restrict how much we put into a pension and it does that through a £40,000 annual contribution cap, but to penalise pensioners’ success – which is what the lifetime allowance is doing –seems royally unfair.”

Matthew Smith on changes to pension legislation: “One thing the Government can do is slow down the rate of change in pension legislation. Despite some of these changes being very positive, consumers are going to get so disengaged with pensions in general because it seems to be a game of political football.”