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Pension freedoms teething trouble



    So far, 60,000 people have accessed their savings, releasing more than £1bn, according to government figures.

    This is all good news for the Treasury, which is expecting a nice tax take from the process.

    Other issues are also emerging, which show that in some quarters there are teething problems.

    Many people who are trying to access their funds are finding they are being hit with huge exit penalties if they want to access their fund early.

    The problem is that many of these funds were structured to pay out in 15 or 20 years time, and not designed to pay out early. To counter this challenge, providers are asking for large fees to pay for it.

    The chancellor George Osborne has said he will now consult on the process, to see if companies are asking for too much.

    But the new regime has galvanised the industry into rethinking retirement income and how people pay for their old age. For years, providers have been lulled into offering a range of underperforming annuities, which most people automatically chose without doing much thinking.

    Now the power is with consumers, who have been told they can shop around and devise any kind of product combination they so choose – even to take it all as cash. This has focused the industry’s minds into coming up with a more flexible, open and perhaps fairer way of providing retirement income.

    Hal Austin is editor of Financial Adviser

    In this special report


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    1. According to Adam Wrench why would it be easier for someone to buy a flexible annuity than cash out their pension?

    2. According to Billy Burrows, which of the following is NOT an important thing they should consider when reaching retirement age?

    3. According to Jamie Smith-Thompson, pension providers are legally obliged to offer full freedoms to customers, true or false?

    4. According to Vanessa Owen, what stopped many from initially wanting to cash in their pension?

    5. According to Howard Hill when might a client be faced with a larger than expected tax bill?

    6. According to Claire Trott, when can there be additional death charges on uncrystallised funds?

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